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For many years, dogs were mans best friend, leaving cats without friends. During the Empire of the Egyptians, cats were worshiped. Ever since the fall of the Egyptian Empire cats have waited for people to worship them once again. Over the centuries, man has made great scientific progress, and then came the space age.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, lift off" "Houston we have lift-off" All was silent except for the rumbling of the engine, the applause of the people and the beeping of the computers. Inside the space ship, all was silent, the two passengers asleep, waiting for their long trip to come to an end. At first the trip went smoothly. The space ship sped out of our solar system heading for Sirius, the closest star. Inside the ship, the passengers slept soundly. Suddenly, the alarms went off as radiation levels began to rise. Suddenly, the communications panels overheated and stopped working. For the people back on Earth, the mission was over. But the two passengers slept on, unaware of the dangerously high radiation levels.
Although the communication panels stopped working, the computers beeped on. The ship flew into Sirius' solar system. The computers decided which planet had an atmosphere and was solid and flew into orbit around it. A probe was launched to see if the planet would he good enough for the passengers to survive on it. A door opened on the side of the ship and a pod taking the two passengers was sent down to the planet.
Crack, the pod landed and the door opened. The passengers awoke from their sleepy flight to the new planet. The cats crawled out onto the ground. They discovered that they were very tiny, their suits were way too big for them and that they could talk. Apparently, the radiation had made them very smart but very small. The cats crawled up onto the computers and with as much strength as they could, they read about the history of their mission. They became very angry and frustrated when they found out that they were sent there because the people on earth didn't want to waste a chimp or a dog on a suicide mission like this. From that moment on, the cats sought only one thing, revenge.
The cats started a civilization of cats. Cats had cats that had cats and so on, until the new planet was crawling with tiny cats. There was plenty of food on the planet and very much fuel for them to use to build machines and buildings.
The cats discovered that they lived on an island, surrounded by an ocean. The planet had a bright sun and many moons. While there were many plants, there didn't seem to be any other animals on the island. There were fish in the water and the cats loved eating them as often as they could catch them. They decided to name their planet Catrous.
Always the cats thought of their revenge. The cats decided to build rocket ships, from small pieces of the pod the original cats crashed in. For days they worked on it until one was finished and the others were nearly finished. After all that, they decided to test the spaceship by sending it into orbit. Once they got up there, they discovered that there was a ship still floating in orbit around the planet. They realized that this ship was the ship that their ancestors had first traveled in. They were so tiny now, that this ship could be their mother ship that they could fly back to earth in.
Back on the planet, the cats were peacefully waiting for their fellow cats to return from their journey. Suddenly, there was rumbling noise coming from the planet. It seemed like it was an earthquake going on. Ii continued on throughout the day, getting rougher and rougher. Suddenly, the sounds stopped. All was still. Then hundreds of huge creatures popped out of the ground. They were wormlike creatures with an awful smell. All the cats ran for the hills, as the creatures pursued them. From out of the mouth of the creatures came long tongues that grabbed onto cats and gulped them down. One by one the cats began to disappear. The cats were frantic to escape from this bedlam. The survivors ran to the hanger to jump into the other rocket ships. They started all the engines and prayed that the rockets would work. Many of them didn't and the cats were never heard from again. A few managed to escape to the orbiting rocket ship. Clearly they could not survive on this planet any longer.
The cats on the circling ship were startled when all the ships from the planet arrived. While many had died, several thousand cats had managed to make it to the mother ship. The cats decided that finally they should go back to earth. There was plenty of steel on the ship and plenty of food for all the tiny cats. The journey back was very long, giving them time to plot their revenge. Since they were so tiny, they knew they couldn't conquer the earth. They would just get stepped on. After weeks of thinking, it wasn't clear until one day a cat was thinking and it came to him. He was playing a video game called invasion of the brain snatchers. He set the game down and thought, what if they took over their minds instead of killing them off? 1-Ie ran outside to the meeting room and rang the bell to call everyone. During the meeting he told them of his plan and after the meeting it was all planned out.
They decided to make giant robots and attach tranquilizer guns on them. Within months, the robots were completed. Inside the head of each robot was the control room where the cats sat and controlled the robots. Most of the cats then put themselves to sleep and waited in the dark for their sleep cruise to end. The months went by, and then the years and after awhile it seemed as if nothing alive was on the ship until all the cats woke from their sleep and got prepared to attack.
The ship went into earth's orbit and went rumbling down to the surface. They decided to land up on the North Pole so no one could see them landing. After they landed, the doors opened and robots went out of the ship. It seemed like the Flight of the Valkaries should have been blaring as the cats approached civilization in their flying robots.
The people were just walking around peacefully when thousands of tiny dots appeared in the sky. No one saw them until they got closer, then they stared at the sky as the robots carrying the cats came down. They shot their tranquilizer gun and all the people fell down unconscious. Little black dots came running toward the bodies and crawled up their noses. As the little micro cats made their way to the brains, thousands more went to other parts of the earth. The micro cats had made brain possessors that were made so that once they were put into a certain part of the brain, it would take over. Possessed brains thought always about how great cats are and how cat's lives needed to be made better. If a possessed brain had a nice thought about a dog, an electrical charge would hit the brain and cause the person to have a seizure. All the dogs were loaded onto a spaceship and were sent to explore Catrous. Hope they don't mind the wormlike creatures! The new ships were lined with lead to keep them from getting too much radiation and becoming smart, micro dogs. It was a matter of time before everyone had their brains taken over. Soon cats were running the world. After all those years of hard work, it paid off.
Now that the cats had taken over the world People listened to them. Now cats have put the zoo animals back at their homes. There are catnip plantations all over the world. Scientists have researched catnip and now there are catnip trees.
There is even a catnip national park. People have made Meow Mix clubs and Kitty Rest Room Stops. There arc Kitty Play Zones and Kitty Schools.
Every cat has a mansion, kitty condo, country house or a beach house. Many cats lived on cruise ships or private islands. Many even have their own hunting lodge. No cats are poor or sad. There are cat museums made especially to catch cat's interest. People have made tombs for cats and mourn their death. People have made thousands of memorials for cats. People have made cat games. People have made factories that make kitty clothes.
Cats don't have any laws but people just have one. People have to always be the cat's servants even if the cats treat them poorly. Cats get to sit at the dinner table and eat from plates while people have to eat on the floor in a bowl. Cats now get to eat gourmet foods including fish in lemon sauce, sliced raw fish and salted fish.
Lots of cats like bungee jumping and skydiving. Some people don't take care of cats, but instead researched new technologies and new space technologies.
All cats are now pleased. The cats lived on until the end of the universe. Don't forget 'cats rule.'
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