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![]() Book I of the Gate HeroesbyZachary T. Stewart |
Flasher woke with a start, as a burst of brilliant lightning lit the sky. “What time is it? How long have I been sleeping, Shrashee?” “The answers to both your questions: It’s almost midnight and you’ve been sleeping for a while”, Shrashee replied. Flasher jumped up in alarm. “Has he, you know Shraffa, has he found the . . . ” “Do not speak of that thing here! No he has not found it, but the Larshopa does not lie. Shraffa is coming, and quickly at that. He is using his storm to find us, but he is not the only one who can see great distances with lightning.” Flasher’s mind returned to why he and Shrashee were sent to this outpost. The Gate was hidden here, and Shraffa was searching for it. They had been sent here to guard the Gate with their lives. Shraffa must not find the gate or else the Bridge would be spanned. Our people need the Anikoah. If the Anikoah was captured by Shraffa . . . No,
I must not think of that. A rumbling of thunder interrupted Flasher’s thoughts. “I know of my skill, but there has been no lightning.” Flasher snapped. “You have been asleep. There have been many flashes in the midnight sky.” Lightning flashed, as if to prove his point, and Flasher’s eyes registered a mind numbing sight. “Shrashee, Shraffa is . . . he’s a mile away, from the south.”
Shraffa’s black eyes scanned the horizon. His pale blue hair shined in the dark of the midnight air. “The Black wind begins to scream. Are the Raetoa in position Warsht?” “Yes, Lord Shraffa, they are ready to attack” the Raetoa general answered. Shraffa had no need for these pitiful creatures whose eyes registered nothing but the nearest surroundings. Their only good was their ability to steal power from his enemies. Their jade skin was as thick as a battle-ax. “Excellent. We fight at midnight.” Midnight. Flasher stood next to Shrashee, both of them as scared as cows in a slaughterhouse. “Shrashee, if I die . . . take the news of Shraffa to the Larshopa” Flasher’s voice barely a whisper. “I will, if you do the same for me.” A shrieking cry pierced the night and Flasher spotted Raetoa approaching quickly with massive swords. Shrashee charged at the nearest foe, screaming “ADRANEE!” As his sword hit the Raetoa it burst into flame. Another Raetoa engaged Flasher in sword-to-sword combat. Clang! Clang! Clang! Every blow jarred his shoulder. Finally a blow hit the Raetoa, and sank into its heart. The Raetoa screeched madly as it fell to the ground. Flasher looked around to discover all the Raetoa dead. Shrashee was standing at the other side of the room. “Shrashee, are you all right?” Flasher uttered. “Yes Flasher, the Raetoa are destroyed. That leaves only Shraffa to fight.” A screech, like one Shrashee had never heard before, entered the room. “Flasher!” Shrashee’s body felt like it was being torn apart, and then he collapsed. Shrashee woke to pouring rain. “Flasher! Flasher!” He stumbled inside, to the Gate. Flasher was lying on the floor there, near death. “Shrashee, tell the Larshopa, Shraffa has used the Gate.” Flasher died in Shrashee’s arms. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell him. I’ll bring the Anikoah. You...You won’t die in vain.” Shrashee set out on his horse, Fire Bane, for Rashini, village of Larshopa, ending the Peaceful era of Biofano, and starting the War of Prophecy. Part IChapter I: The DreamTony White woke up from an awful nightmare. It had seemed that a violent thunderstorm had emerged from the Skull Caves, a series of caves, which from an aerial view, resemble a skull. From the storm came a black person with pale blue hair. That person rode into town, carrying his storm along. Nonsense, it was only a dream, Tony thought looking into the mirror and trying to determine the change. he had just turned thirteen, and during the summer he had gotten his first pimple. His hair was brown and his eyes were green. Jennifer, Tony’s younger sister, wheeled into Tony’s room in her wheelchair as he was dressing for the first day of school. Jennifer had been born with paralyzed legs, forcing her to stay in a wheelchair her entire life. Now, at age nine, her blue eyes and black hair made her the most beautiful girl Tony had ever seen. Except for one, Kelly Porter, Tony’s secret love. “Tony, did you hear that storm last night?” Jennifer asked. “No . . . What! There was a storm last night?” Tony screamed in a tone of unease. “Yes, but why are you so mad?” Jennifer replied “See you later. I promised to meet Kyle.” “But, but.” Tony fled to the kitchen, grabbed his lunch, and ran outside. As Tony turned the corner of his street, he slowed down to a walk. Incredible, there was a storm last night. After school, I’ll investigate Skull Cave, Tony thought as he reached the bus stop. Kyle greeted him there. “So, what’s up Tony?” He asks right as they enter the bus. “Same old, same old. I had a horrendous nightmare last night. I need to do some thinking right now. Can I be alone?” “Suit yourself, Tony.” Kyle, Tony’s best bud was disappointed. They met in kindergarten, and now in 8th grade, no one was ever able to separate them. Kyle sat, as always, in the back of the bus, with his blond hair covering his eyes. Kyle was born on the same day as Tony, May 7, which made them seem even closer than they would with anyone else. Kyle lived with his father. When the bus reached Tony’s school, every one was handed a new schedule as they got off. “Kyle we’ve got homeroom together!” Tony shouted in excitement. “Yeah, we got the new teacher! Well, see you in homeroom." Tony went to the lockers, and to his great delight his locker was next to Kelly Porter’s! Tony quickly dropped off his stuff, so as not to embarrass himself in front of her. In homeroom, Tony slid into the seat next to Kyle. “Have you seen the new teacher, Tony?” “No, but we will soon!” Soon after these words were spoken Kelly strode into the room. Taking her normal spot in the front of the room she began to read a book, The Lord of the Rings. Tony admired her beautiful red hair and black eyes. I can’t believe she’s in my room again, thought Tony. Then the new teacher stepped into the room. Chapter II: Skull Cave“Attention class, I am your new teacher, Mr. Cradantre, and this year you will learn many new things. Some of these things will contain the theory of parallel dimensions, and . . . ” Tony was not paying attention. He had heard versions of this speech ever year, but this person was different than anyone he had ever seen before. He had pale blue hair and eyes filled with pools of black. His voice had an accent to it, but not one Tony had ever heard of before. After about an hour the bell aroused Tony from his thoughts. Since it was the first day of school, it was only a meet the teacher day, and school was over. At home Tony ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before he got ready to visit Skull Cave. Jennifer was practicing the piano like she did every day. When she had finished, she went to the closet, and took her coat. She headed out the door without telling anyone where she was going. Tony knew that this was abnormal behavior for her, so he took his jacket, along with his flashlight, and followed Jennifer. Jennifer seemed to travel in a random path around the town. After what seemed to be about half an hour she turned to Skull Caves. When Jennifer reached Skull Cave, Tony hid behind some bushes. Mr. Cradantre was waiting there, just like he knew that she would be coming there. Mr. Cradantre went inside and Jessica followed. Tony ran up to the cave and from the other two paths emerged Kelly and Kyle. “Tony!” Kyle blurted out as Tony yelled “Kelly!” Kelly asked everyone “Did you have a dream about a storm and a mysterious man, just like Mr. Cradantre?” Tony and Kyle both nodded dumbfounded. “He’s taken Jennifer into that cave!” Tony blurted out. Just then a scream rang out from inside the cave. Kyle and Tony both started to run in, but Kelly stopped them. “We don’t know what will happen inside, but we should stay together. Right?” “Right,” Tony and Kyle say simultaneously. Tony took his flashlight out and all three of them ran into the cave. When they reached the main cavern of the cave, Tony stopped them all before they ran into a pit. “It’s growing with every second!” exclaimed Kelly, and indeed it was. They turned around and another hole sprang up in front of them. “Kelly, Tony, this is probably the end, so farewell.” Kyle said as the ground disappeared. “Tony, Kyle, I just want to thank you for being my friends.” The remaining ground disappeared, and Tony, Kelly, and Kyle began to fall. After a short distance Kyle and Kelly were torn away into darkness. Tony waited for the impact, but it never came. After what seemed like an hour Tony fainted from sheer terror. Chapter III: AnikoahTony awoke on damp earth. He got up and looked around. All around him was a wasteland, with nothing else in sight. “Kyle! Kelly! Where are you?” Tony got no answer but a whine, but the whine got louder and louder until it was a scream. Tony turned around and saw a funnel descending from the sky. “A . . . a . . . a tornado!” Tony turned and ran from the spot where the tornado was appearing. Before he got too far though, he stumbled on a rock and fell down. He had no time to get up. The tornado was almost upon him. Then a man seemed to fall from the sky. “You shall not harm this boy, Shraffa. He is the one who is to stop you.” The tornado stopped and then faded away. Tony was awed, This man’s words can stop a twister. The man gestured for Tony to follow him, and he led Tony in the direction the tornado had been. Tony soon became frightened after the shock of what had just happened began to sink in, but the man turned around and looked into Tony’s eyes. Instantly Tony felt calmer and continued to walk. After Tony had been walking for a long time, he mustered up enough courage to ask the man who he was. “I am Shrashee, and I am taking you to Rashini. If you would like to know more about me, wait until the counsel tonight.” So onward they went until the sun was setting. Tony saw a village, with many huts arranged in a circle in the middle, and surrounded by grassland. “Rashini, my village, and the Larshopa’s village.” Shrashee declared at the awe on Tony’s face. Shrashee took Tony to a hut, and told him to rest here until he came back. Tony thought about what had happened to him that day. Jennifer had gone missing, he was in an unknown place, and a stranger had saved him from a tornado. He lay down on a bed of great softness, and fell asleep. “Wake up. It’s time for the counsel.” Shrashee awakened Tony at midnight. He was led to the center of town were five people were standing. One of them, a male, had brown hair and yellow eyes. A female was next to him, with light brown hair and blue eyes. “Welcome Tony.” The voice came from an old man with white hair and clouded eyes. “I am the Larshopa, king of this land. You may wonder why you are here, but you will know after we start from the beginning. Yolieya will start, from the creation of Biofano.” The man spoke in a soft, but fierce voice. The woman, Yolieya, stepped forth and began to speak in a tender, musical, tone. “In the beginning of time, this land, Biofano was created. Eight immortal leaders were chosen. The Larshopa, Zarakava, Shraffa, Shrashee, Flasher, Theratîl, Hanirashi, and me. We were entrusted to protect Biofano and its inhabitants from the Raetoa, beasts that have lived since before time itself! Time went on. One thousand years have passed, and Biofano has lived in peace. We were also given the power to change our forms at will if needed, but we have all forgotten, except the Larshopa. We remain young but we are older than you would think. You may wonder why only six of the eight are here. Shraffa has been misled. He is plotting with the Raetoa to destroy Biofano by using the Gate. This Gate is the bridge between two dimensions, yours and ours. Shraffa killed Flasher while Shrashee and Flasher were defending the Gate. Shraffa has gone to your world and brought you here so he could kill you. Yes, only you can destroy him, Anikoah. Anikoah, the legendary warrior from across the Gate. The legends said you would be young, but with ultimate power.” Chapter IV: TrainingYolieya stepped back and Hanirashi, a man with white eyes and black hair, stepped forward. There was something about Hanirashi that gave Tony shivers. It was the eyes, white as a blank piece of paper. Tony could not tell where he was looking. “Ag thorp. Kithya zya narg. Amaru chu wah.” Hanirashi uttered, while Tony heard these words in his head. Seek the scroll in the heart. The power is yours. Tony’s immediate reaction to this was utter confusion. “Hiratîl fiw tragu.” With these words of parting Hanirashi stepped into the shadow. Larshopa came forth and spoke to the counsel. “Tony must be trained in the Faderikian ways. Zarakava, you will prepare him at dawn tomorrow. Sleep well Tony. You will have a rough day ahead of you.” “But what of my sister and friends!” Tony shouted, “Do you know where they are?” Larshopa and the others stared at Tony. In a hoarse voice Zarakava whispered, “More than one person came through the gate? T-t-hat’s not possible.” “It is true,” Tony retorted. In his mind Tony could hear Larshopa’s voice. Then we all are in more trouble than we ever thought. This world will collapse without the strength of the Eight. “Go to bed Tony, we must ponder this new twist.” In the morning Zarakava brought Tony to a field outside the city. “The only way you can defeat Shraffa is to use the gift of Faderika, the ancient language. When you use the language, elements and actions are combined. Watch. Adranee Tilsi!” The fire in Tony’s torch leapt into the air and continued to burn. Zarakava explained that though he could do this magic, his power was not enough to fight Shraffa. Tony was then instructed in the first lessons, the learning of the ancient speech. This continued for most of the morning, until Tony had memorized all the words known to Zarakava and the other five. This progress amazed Zarakava, for it had taken him over a week to get this far. The next exercise had Tony working on increasing the inflection in his voice to enable the use of difficult words, such as tracdial and faderikian, which mean stone and earth. By the end of the day, Tony’s mind was as dry as his mouth. When Tony had learned all the accents, his next exercise was to put them to use, in a series of rough training courses designed to put to use all of the words. One of the hardest tests required Tony to shield himself from falling rocks, while drawing water out of the ground. The words that Tony used were, “Shladeo trumd watshe tracdial.” During this lesson Tony discovered that using the language had a physical toll on the body and by the end of the day, he could barely walk. Zarakava helped Tony then, by giving him a drink that had a soporific effect. Tony slept in the plain that night, under the watch of the stars. Part TwoChapter V: First BattlesBy the time Tony had been in the world of Biofano for two weeks, he had learned everything that even the Six knew. He had learned to read the Biofanion runes, how to fight with a sword, and how to inflict his sword with the elements, such as lightning. These skills would be critical to fighting the Raetoa, and the other minions of Shraffa. Tony had also learned of the true danger that Shraffa possessed. If not stopped, he would cause so much disruption between Earth and Biofano that both of them would be warped and twisted, maybe even causing the obliteration of the human race! Tony now realized that the fate of his family and even his planet depended on him defeating Shraffa. This knowledge made Tony double his efforts in training. Tony’s first official mission was to capture the fortress of the Two Streams, a place where two streams meet and flow into an underground cavern. He was sent with Shrashee, so that he would not be captured as he might if he were going alone. “Tony. This mission, even though your first, is critical to the war against Shraffa. If we control this base, we can cut off the water supply to the Grintros, the desert where the Raetoa’s breed.” Shrashee explained the plan. It seemed fool proof. Tony’s job was to search the outer walls for any visible or invisible entrance by using the word “Searcha.” He succeeded in this and soon Shrashee and Tony were inside the fortress. The next step of the mission was to destroy all the Raetoa guards in the building, and redirect the water to the wastelands where Tony appeared. Tony soon saw his first Raetoa, repulsive to the eyes. He thought of the weakness of the Raetoa, ice, and he changed his sword into an icy blade. He then engaged the enemy, fighting as if his life depended on it, which it probably did. Tony then discovered the Raetoa’s horrific screech, and dropped his sword, falling prey to the Raetoa, who had already subdued Shrashee. Tony awakened in utter darkness. His head and heart were pounding. He realized that he must have passed out. As his eyes adjusted to the gloom he realized that he was in a room, and not just a room, but a cell. He faintly remembered being carried to the cell. Tony also realized that he was bleeding from being handled by the Raetoa’s sharp claws. His ears heard a Raetoa scream not far away. Tony bolted up and grabbed for his sword, but it was not there. Then he remembered that he had dropped it to cover his ears. Without his sword he was powerless. Tony sat back down again, and waited. After a while, Tony began to feel the urge for food. He stood up, and searched around the walls for any clue of food. He felt a warm object, and picked it up. The object began to squirm and squeak, and Tony instantly dropped it. A few moments later he realized that it was a rat, trapped in the dungeons. He walked back over to his corner, and sat down again. After being in the dark for so long, Tony’s eyes squinted in the light. He had not realized that he had fallen asleep. “So this is the Anikoah.” A familiar voice called out from the light. As his eyes adjusted to the light he saw the voice’s owner. “I am known as Mr. Cradantre, but also as Shraffa.” Tony tried to shout ‘Where is my sister!’ but his mouth was glued shut by an invisible force. “I have your sister and your friends. If you want them back you have to win a little contest. In one week I will be holding a tournament in Grintros. If you win, your friends will be given back to you. If you lose, you must forfeit your friends lives.” With those words Shraffa said something incomprehensible and Tony’s eyes began to close. He struggled to keep them open, but Shraffa was too strong. As consciousness returned to Tony, he found himself in his hut in Rashini. Next to him was Yolieya. “Tony. Come with me.” Yolieya’s voice was as cold as ice. As Tony stepped out he saw that the villagers were not looking at him. They even went out of their way to avoid him. Tony was freaked out, but when he stepped into the Larshopa’s hut, he understood. Chapter VI: Tony’s FateIn the hut, lying on a cot was Shrashee, his eyes clouded over. Larshopa stood over him, holding a piece of parchment. He handed it to Tony. “Read this.” As Tony read the letter, he realized that Shraffa would not stop until Biofano was his. He had killed Shrashee as a warning to Tony that he would kill Jennifer, Kyle, and Kelly as well. When Tony had finished, Larshopa turned to him. “As you see, Shraffa has won. Our best fighters are dead, and we have no swords to give you. Anikoah, there is no hope left. It is best for you to go home and spend the last days with your family. Hanirashi will lead you to the Gate.” Tony was too stunned to speak. He allowed Hanirashi to lead him back to his hut. He took his clothes that he was given by the villagers, and left for the Gate. One hour out of Rashini, Tony burst into tears. Hanirashi helped him back to his feet and they set off again. When they reached the Gate, Hanirashi spoke the same words that he had when they first met. In his mind, Tony heard the same words. Seek the scroll in the heart. Then Hanirashi left. Tony now had a chance to explore the Gate temple. All around were wall drawings, which Tony examined and made out words. It told of the prophesy of the Anikoah, himself, and the doom of Biofano. In the center of the room was a statue. Tony went closer, and gasped. The statue was carved so it looked exactly like him. Hanirashi’s words came back to him, and suddenly he thought he knew what they meant. Tony used the ancient language to carve a hole in the center of the statue, where the heart would be. Surprisingly, it was hollow, and there was a slip of parchment inside. Written on it were these words. “You who seek the power shall have one final test. Speak these words to the statue. Niegar ando.” As Tony spoke the words, a door opened in the far end of the Gate Temple and he cautiously entered. As soon as he passed the threshold, the door shut behind him. At first Tony could see nothing, but, as his eyes adjusted to the light, his surroundings slowly appeared. With them came a whisper. Tony first thought it was the wind, but it got stronger, until it was a half yell. “Anikoah. You have passed all the tests so far, now it is time for your final one.” A man materialized in front of Tony. He looked almost identical to Shrashee. “Yes Tony,” the man said. “ I am Shrashee, but not entirely. Look closer.” As Tony looked the man changed appearance. “I am the combined souls of Flasher and Shrashee. I am Flashee. Your final test will be to fight me in a duel of swords. Take your blade from the ground.” A sword appeared in front of Tony, and the fight began. It seemed like an hour and Tony began to tire, but Flashee did not. As a final attempt Tony charged his sword with fire, and shattered Flashee’s sword. Flashee disappeared, and words echoed in Tony’s head. The sword you hold was made of the power of the Eight. Use it wisely. You are Biofano’s and indeed life’s last hope. Tony then got ready to go to the tournament. With a weapon, and renewed hope, he knew he could succeed. Chapter VII: The TournamentAs Tony traveled to Grintros, he noticed a building similar to the Gate. He could not get in, even with the language, so he left it alone. He made it to Grintros with a day to spare. Shraffa met him at the gate. When he appeared, Tony tried to cut off his head, but the blow just bounced off. “ You can not kill me until I wish to fight you. The tournament starts tomorrow; I suggest you rest.” He led Tony to his room, where Tony sat, simmering with hate. In his room was just the bare minimum to live. It had a bed made of rock, a bucket of water, and a plate of food. Good thing I’m not staying here long. After having a rough night on the rock, Tony awoke early. He began sharpening his sword and going over any incantations he would need for the tournament. As soon as the sun rose, Tony left his room for the stadium. In the stands were many Raetoa, and other species Tony had never seen before. Shraffa was seated on a throne, surrounded by Raetoa guards. One of the guards was more bulky than the others. “Round One of the tournament shall begin. Tony and Pohakus please step into the arena.” Shraffa’s voice seemed to echo from everywhere. As Tony entered the arena, he saw a massive creature with huge, bulky arms and a medium sized head. Tony unsheathed his sword as the creature Pohakus unsheathed his claws. “Let the fight begin!” Pohakus let out a fierce battle cry and charged at Tony on all fours, just as a bull would do. Tony raised his sword to block, and his knees buckled as the creature’s brute strength hit him. Tony found himself dodging until his arms went numb. The next blow struck his sword out of his hands and into the dirt. Tony just had enough time to dodge the creature’s attack. Suddenly Tony had an idea, what if he could dodge the creature so long that it grew tired? Tony found that the creature was not fast enough to hit him, and when the creature exhausted itself Tony took his sword and immobilized Pohakus. “Round One is over, Tony is declared the winner.” The next round Tony fought a horde of Raetoa, and then he faced the bulky Raetoa he had seen before, Warsht. As the match began Shraffa announced that it would be a battle to the death, using only swords. “Scared, Anikoah? You’d better be,” Warsht’s voice sounded like gravel. For the first five minutes no one was hit. Tony then noticed that Warsht was slowly tiring. Tony went on the defensive, until a blow slipped through and hit his armor. It bounced off but left a bruise. Tony then struck at the precise moment Warsht raised his sword. The sword sliced through his armor and pierced his heart. A loud echoing scream pierced the silence and soon died. Tony looked at the board, and realized that the semi-finals were next. He was against three other people. As Tony stepped back into the arena, the door at the end opened and out walked Kyle, Kelly, and Jennifer! Tony was stunned to see them, and he called over to them. They did not respond. Yes Tony. Whose life shall it be, yours or theirs. The fight began as Tony immediately blocked the blows that came at him. The fight went on until Tony had Kyle by sword point. Tony hesitated, then stuck his sword in the ground. “I can not kill you. If you decide to kill me, that is fine with me, but please try to remember who I am.” Tony stood, prepared to die. He closed his eyes as Kyle was lining up a heart blow. Chapter VIII: The MissionThe pain never came. Tony opened his eyes to see the sword stuck into the ground. “Tony, I am so sorry.” Kyle, Kelly and Jennifer had broken Shraffa’s spell. “Tony, I can walk now!” Jennifer was overjoyed that she was able to finally run around with Tony. Kelly made an attempt to say something, but stopped it. Suddenly, there was an incredible scream of rage from Shraffa as he teleported away. Then the world stopped. Only the four friends were able to move. In their heads they heard a voice, soft but increasingly louder. You have defeated Shraffa in Biofano, but your quest has just begun. Shraffa has escaped to Fraichu. You must travel there. Have Tony lead you to the other Gate, but now relax, join the festival at Rashini. “Who are you”, Tony asked. I am the spirit who created the Eight and Biofano and the other realms. With those words time was returned to normal, except for the creatures who had served Shraffa, for they had been, and forever will be, stuck in time. Back at Rashini, there was an enormous festival. All the people of Biofano rejoiced in a three-day feast. Even Shrashee and Flasher in spirit form attended. After the feast Tony and the others traveled to the strange temple he had seen earlier. Inside there was a Gate, but before they went in they held a discussion. “I guess we should go all together”, Tony said. “Tony, we are all in this together, for good or bad.” This came from Kyle. Jennifer and Kelly nodded in agreement. Just before the entered the Gate, Kelly gave Tony a quick kiss. “This is what I wanted to say at the tournament.” Tony told her that he felt the same, and they went through the Gate to Fraichu.
The End |